Somebody said to me how they couldn't believe that my girls were already a year old and how the time has flown by.. my response was. "Yeah maybe for you!" This really has been one of the slowest and fastest years of my life. As I look back on my girls all I can see is how blessed we are to have them with us and healthy. They are probably the cutest girls i know.
3 fun facts:
*flaps her arms when she gets SO excited which is especially when she see's dad
*Is a sly little one, (makes me a bit nervous for the future)
*Is in constant play mode, rarely is just mellow
*will smile at little kids and watch them forever, but is more reserved for adults.
*Is such a LOUD and Constant talker. When she gets going plug your ears
*Loves books and reads them with her feet, (she also does the splits every time between sitting and lying down)
Dani & Jaci
*Dani will kiss jaci on the head sometimes then go about what she's doing
*They steal everything and anything from eachother. It really doesn't matter if I have 2 of things, they just want sissy's
*They will turn and talk to each other, (which is seriously my favorite)
and they feed off each other with their personalities. Especially when they are being silly at dinnertime. Or one is crying and the other finds it necessary to scream along with their sister!