Monday, December 22, 2008

baby shower

I had my first baby shower a couple of weeks ago, and man, people are generous....
It was a duo or Nicole and I, we just all went to Hill's played a few games and chatted away!
As for the baby up-date the girls are doing good so far.  Each time we go in for an ultrasound things have changed just a little, but not enough for them to keep me in.  People always ask if I have a scheduled date, and I don't.  All i know is that we take it week by week.  I could go in and they tell me I'm staying or they say you're good to go until next time.  Kinda crazy.  If one thing I've learned from this rollercoaster ride is to trust in the Lord.  It's in his hands and the outcome will be how its supposed to.  (much easier said than done though)
But thanks for all the prayers, and hopefully we have 5 weeks still.....

Another funny comment from a student "how come you haven't gone to the doctor yet?"
me: "What?"  kid: "to get your baby out"
I guess he thought the time was here and I was big enough....
And students ALWAYS draw you "beautiful" pictures, so one day a student came and handed me a picture and I was busy so I just quickly said thank you as I glanced at it.  Then I looked a little closer,  It was me with a big belly and 2 kids inside of it.  I wish I would have taken a picture cuz it was priceless.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

babies... & football

Yes, we did support the cougars last weekend, and were a bit disapointed.  But the game was still fun and intense to be at (until the last quarter that is)  I never thought I'd become one of "those" fans that just love BYU because before Dane I didn't even really like football.  But now going through 2 seasons with him and supporting his dad I believe I have become a "true" fan.  Now maybe not a die hard, but I do enjoy the games, and keep up on a lot of it.
Now I thought I would update you all on the "tidwell twins"  They're both growing, as well as me!  At times I don't think my belly can stretch any farther, but everyone reminds me that it sure can.  And its crazy cuz I never though I would want to get bigger, but when it comes to healthy kids, I think all of you can agree with me, you just end up not caring and liking to see the pounds come on!.  
We do have a bit of a scare, it looks as if our babies are sharing fluid and blood now.  It is still pre-phase one, so not to bad yet, but instead of every two weeks getting ultrasounds, I am now going in twice a week!! Not to mention regular Dr. visits and I guess soon I will be meeting with the neonatologist.  I got steroid shots to help develop the lunges of the babies and now I guess we just take it week by week.  The hard thing is that I feel like a regular pregnant woman with all the "joys" but my babies aren't ok.  I'm still working, so that's nice but they told me at anytime things can get bad.  I guess the latest I will have the babies is 34 weeks, but they're thinking around 30-32 weeks.  SCARY!  Right now we're just praying that I can prove them wrong in some aspect.  But we are very thankful with the technology out there today that detects things so quickly and can help pre-mature babies.  So prayers for the babies are greatly appreciated!!!!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Kids sAY the fUNniest stuff.....

While teaching and being pregnant I get some hilarious comments!  I decided to share some of them so others can enjoy the simple minds of children.
*"You look pregnant" I then informed the kid that I was pregnant and it all made better sense to him.
*kid "What happened to your belly???" me "I have babies in it" kid "Oh..."
*One of my students from last year went up to his teacher and said very worriedly "mrs. Tidwell is getting fat."
*I told the students that I had to leave a little early that day because I had a dr.apt. so another teacher would be coming in to watch them, a student shouted out "are your babies coming out today?" mind you this is when I was barely showing...
*"So a a a when are ya gonna get those babies out?"
* we do stretches everyday in class and one day a kid had said something was to hard for him and one of my favorite little girls said, "If Mrs. Tidwell can do it with her babies, then you can!!! huh Mrs. Tidwell"
*And one of my favorites, It was snowing that day and a kid shouts out, "mrs. Tidwell your belly looks like a snowball." I just laughed, but then another kid said in a very confused tone "Maybe a BIG snowball!!!"  

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


This past weekend we had a lot going on.
 I really like Halloween, but with 
school, I almost like it better when its over!  
The kids are so crazy!  This year us 1st grade teachers did the theme of insects...

On halloween we had a
 fun party with Dane's family.  
So here's me and my cute sister in-laws.
And on Sunday we had Cy and Whit's daughter Remi's baby blessing,  She is so precious!
And of course I can't not give a shout out to R-town and taking state on Saturday.  Alyse is helping coach so we went to the games, and it was so intense I was DYING.  The babies were going crazy as well!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Girls TRIP

So, we decided before we doubled all of our families we better take a girls trip!  We all headed to St. George on Friday night and pretty much just did everything that girls like to do that their husbands won't do with us.....
Nicole and I just had to get a picture together being that we are due only 3 days apart. (don't worry that I'm like 5 times the size of her though) It's beautiful what 2 babies can do to ya.

Friday, September 26, 2008

THEY ARE................

Looks like I've got two little ladies in my tummy!  And everything is going really good!!!  Dane and I are both really excited, and can't believe its more girls! This will make 8 out of the 9 grandchildren on his side girls!!!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Life CHanGing

So here goes a crazy story (at least I think) for all of you. So while in North Carolina I was starting to feel a lot different and getting sicker so after 4 pregnancy tests it was confirmed that YES I was pregnant whether I liked it or not. I am sorry to say that I wasn't excited at all :(... It certainly was not planned and seemed to come at such an inopportune time. I had to come back and teach while Dane is still in school full time! Plus I was on the couch for the rest of the summer not feeling well at all. Dane and I were just thankful for the Gospel at this time and new it must be in our Plan. So when I got home I made a doctor appt. and went to get checked out. Since I had no idea when I had gotten pregnant (yes we were preventing it) they told me I was 14 weeks which I new there was no way possible because I was still in UT and Dane was in NC. But with all the measurements they didn't think they were to far off, so they got me an ultrasound.
I went to the ultrasound by myself because Dane was still on his way back from NC. So she puts the ultrasound thingy on me and she says, "Oh... you're having twins" i immediately shoot back "No i'm not...!!??" and she says, "Oh honey, ... I wouldn't joke about something like that!" Yes you can imagine the shock at the moment!!!! My instant reaction was tears... but if you can imagine 100 emotions running through your body at one time that is what I was experiencing. Truthfully the rest of the ultrasound was quite a blur. But I did call Dane right after and was FREAKING out when I was telling him.... Quite the moment.
So here we are up to date. And in all honesty we are so excited!!!! I hate to say this, but I think it needed to be twins to get me so happy about it all. Buying a house was really no longer an option so after living with Hillary for a few weeks, we finally found a basement apt. that we really like and is within walking distance from Dane's moms.
I had an ultrasound today and am 14 weeks. The doctor said I am having
IDENTICAL TWINS which is really exciting, but also can be scary. I guess my baby's are in the same placenta but have different sacks. With this brings a scare of a disease called TTTS which means they are sharing the same blood and one baby takes more and can cause the other baby to die. So I went to a specialist today and as of right now they are not sharing blood. BUT it can happen anytime throughout the pregnancy and can be scary. So if having twins isn't already considered high risk, I have to have a ultrasound every 2 WEEKS to make sure things are running ok. So that's our story!!! Crazy I know, but also very fun........... It is so true when you think of how you never know what will come next because 1 year ago I never would of thought i would be pregnant let alone with twins!!!!
Dane also had our 1 year anniversary... Quite the gift :)

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Home Again

So I am finally back in Utah!! It has been so, nice and one of the best things is that I feel like I can finally breathe! I know that sounds weird, but before I was leaving NC there were so many rainstorms and it was so muggy I felt that I never got fresh air! But Utah and the mountains cured that!!!
Right when I got home I was so lucky to get to be with all my family. We celebrated my Grandpas 80th birthday and spent a weekend in Fish Lake. I loved every moment of it (except that my husband wasn't there)
We rode bikes, played games, fished, caught up with the family, and of course ate a lot of food. It was so nice.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

4th of July FUN

I was sad I wasn't in R-Town for the 4th, but we still managed to have our fun out here.

A few of the wives went to a minor league baseball game out here.  The team was called the "Swamp Dogs" as we were sitting there, I was like, wow this is some serious white trash, but then I was reminded of Richfield and the derby ....

I couldn't look at not having fireworks on the 4th so  Dane and I found a place out here that had a big ol' celebration. 

Then we headed back home and Dane had some fireworks of his own (he had purchased them on his way out to NC without me of course) But i did love watching him be a little kid throwing flowers into the pond trying to blow up the frogs....

Friday, June 20, 2008


As a lot of you know Dane has a prosthetic leg.  Despite the difficulties it brings, there is also a lot of laughter with it.  For instance my nephew wanting a "peg leg" like his Uncle Dane or the other day as Dane was in the bathroom a little 6 yr old came up to him, (as he's peeing) and says "man, what happened to your leg" and went on for about 15 minutes.  Apparently he had just watched transformers and thought it was pretty cool.
Anyways, its hard to explain what has happened to nieces and nephews let alone the inquisitive 1st grader.  So, our story has become like this, dane didn't have good leg so the doctors had to get him a new one and we call it the "robot Leg".  Although it never just ends at that with the question after question of the little kids mind wanting to know more and more.  
So one day Dane visited my classroom with shorts on and the kids eyes are automatically just staring and wanting to know what was going on, but I of course tried to keep them working.  I walked Dane out then came back into the classroom with all of my ESL(english as a second language) students grouped into a cluster.  One of my favorite students came up to me, (obviously coerced by the rest of the group) and asked, "Mrs. Tidwell.... Is your husband really a ROBOT???"  I didn't know what to say, because I just had to hold the laughter in.... I was dying.  

Tuesday, June 17, 2008


We went to a fun restaruant right off the beach.... Then after the boys went for a swim in the ocean.  It was such a fun day.
Even though we got caught in i think the worst rain storm I have EVER seen, it was crazy; the windshield wipers couldn't keep up............

MyRTle BEAch


Fathers day Whit and I decided to have the guys go golfing in Myrtle Beach- since it is only an hour south of Wilmington/.. So while they golfed we shopped. :)
Not a bad idea, right///

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Dane and I were set up on a blind date, by my now sister in-law.
I was teaching at my school and she happened to be substituting.
I recognized her from Snow, and she mentioned to set us up and since I loved blind dates I was all about it.  Our first date we went out with her and Dane's brother.  
 My first impressions of Dane were that he was super cute and tall which I loved, but not for me................ Little did I know he felt the same way!!! Who knows what happened but I guess we kinda just fell for each-other.  We were engaged a year ago, June, at Lake Powell.  Dane was selling in Oregon for the summer, so he came home to visit and we went to visit his sister's family in Page.  He mentioned on the way down that we should go on a hike, so of course I had a bit of suspissions, but when we got out of the car, there was no ring in the pocket (of course I had to check) and he didn't even grab a blanket, so I was a little saddened, but to my surprise his sister had set it all up for us.  It was overlooking the point and during the sunset. BEAUTIFUL!!!  We were married August 24th in the Manti Temple.  Our honeymoon was spent in Mexico on the caribbean (very relaxing).  We then lived in Taylorsville for the school year while Dane attended SLCC working on pre-reqs. and I taught 1st grade in Taylorsville.
Dane wants to become a nurse anesthetist (kinda like an anathesiologist). 
He absolutley loves that stuff, which I am very thankful for because I can't even go to a hospital without getting a little whoozie......The school year went great and fast for us both.! 
In may Dane headed to North Carolina where he is working and selling security systems.  I just barely arrived a few days ago and am loving it here.  We live right on the coast and I get to spend the most time I ever have with my husband because I'm not working like a maniac... Which is why I have started to "blog"  We'll see how long it lasts though, I'm not to good at this stuff, but it should be fun....
So that's our story up until August when everything will change once again, but
truly I like not knowing what will come next................ :)