Wednesday, November 5, 2008


This past weekend we had a lot going on.
 I really like Halloween, but with 
school, I almost like it better when its over!  
The kids are so crazy!  This year us 1st grade teachers did the theme of insects...

On halloween we had a
 fun party with Dane's family.  
So here's me and my cute sister in-laws.
And on Sunday we had Cy and Whit's daughter Remi's baby blessing,  She is so precious!
And of course I can't not give a shout out to R-town and taking state on Saturday.  Alyse is helping coach so we went to the games, and it was so intense I was DYING.  The babies were going crazy as well!


Scott & Christie Lamb said...

Shut up do you really only have 21 kids? of are some Jehova Whitness and chose not to participate in Halloween? Ha ha here i am dying with my 29!!! that's right so when you ask me about when we are having kids just remember i already have 29!! Just kidding, the plan is to start this summer so wish us luck!! I would love to have twins!! but only on the first round :-) you guys are so stinkin cute!!! love ya!

Katie McCaul said...

Ya Amanda married Shawn Layton. She doesn't have a blog. She has a little boy that is three and a little girl that is probably between 6-9 months. They are building a house in Manti. Ask Dane where Brad is! I thought I saw him the other day but not sure.

Sherri Romney said...

K so I thought you had your babies Way early when I saw that pic of you holding Remi before I read the post. Your costumes were way cute by the way!

Whitney said...

Oh what a cute butterfly and a cute baby:) haha I seriously don't know how you do it prego and babysitting 21 kids you are something else. Thanks again for bringing cookies on Sunday!

Katie McCaul said...

I thought I saw him at the University mall. It is so funny how fast time goes seems like we were all just in school hanging out and now we are all old! I wish I kept in touch with more people from school, so I am glad to catch up with you guys and maybe you can keep me posted on everyone:)
We aren't trying for any other little ones yet. I want to but Jason gets too nervous. If I didn't work we would be trying, but I still have to work part time.