This past weekend we had a lot going on.
I really like Halloween, but with
school, I almost like it better when its over!
The kids are so crazy! This year us 1st grade teachers did the theme of insects...
On halloween we had a
fun party with Dane's family.
So here's me and my cute sister in-laws.
And of course I can't not give a shout out to R-town and taking state on Saturday. Alyse is helping coach so we went to the games, and it was so intense I was DYING. The babies were going crazy as well!
Shut up do you really only have 21 kids? of are some Jehova Whitness and chose not to participate in Halloween? Ha ha here i am dying with my 29!!! that's right so when you ask me about when we are having kids just remember i already have 29!! Just kidding, the plan is to start this summer so wish us luck!! I would love to have twins!! but only on the first round :-) you guys are so stinkin cute!!! love ya!
Ya Amanda married Shawn Layton. She doesn't have a blog. She has a little boy that is three and a little girl that is probably between 6-9 months. They are building a house in Manti. Ask Dane where Brad is! I thought I saw him the other day but not sure.
K so I thought you had your babies Way early when I saw that pic of you holding Remi before I read the post. Your costumes were way cute by the way!
Oh what a cute butterfly and a cute baby:) haha I seriously don't know how you do it prego and babysitting 21 kids you are something else. Thanks again for bringing cookies on Sunday!
I thought I saw him at the University mall. It is so funny how fast time goes seems like we were all just in school hanging out and now we are all old! I wish I kept in touch with more people from school, so I am glad to catch up with you guys and maybe you can keep me posted on everyone:)
We aren't trying for any other little ones yet. I want to but Jason gets too nervous. If I didn't work we would be trying, but I still have to work part time.
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