Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Kids sAY the fUNniest stuff.....

While teaching and being pregnant I get some hilarious comments!  I decided to share some of them so others can enjoy the simple minds of children.
*"You look pregnant" I then informed the kid that I was pregnant and it all made better sense to him.
*kid "What happened to your belly???" me "I have babies in it" kid "Oh..."
*One of my students from last year went up to his teacher and said very worriedly "mrs. Tidwell is getting fat."
*I told the students that I had to leave a little early that day because I had a dr.apt. so another teacher would be coming in to watch them, a student shouted out "are your babies coming out today?" mind you this is when I was barely showing...
*"So a a a when are ya gonna get those babies out?"
* we do stretches everyday in class and one day a kid had said something was to hard for him and one of my favorite little girls said, "If Mrs. Tidwell can do it with her babies, then you can!!! huh Mrs. Tidwell"
*And one of my favorites, It was snowing that day and a kid shouts out, "mrs. Tidwell your belly looks like a snowball." I just laughed, but then another kid said in a very confused tone "Maybe a BIG snowball!!!"  


Anonymous said...

I'm so happy I found you on here. I can't believe that you're having twins. Congrats. Hope everything is going well.

Donna said...

Oh Marion, those comments are so funny! I just got a thought ... you should jot them all down over the years as you teach, then someday you can publish them, get rich and retire :) I would buy a book that made me laugh, everyone needs a laugh a day!

Jason, Casey and Zuri Coutts said...

Marion I can't believe you are having twins! Congrats!

Kim said...

Oh man kids are sweet. When I was teaching and pregnant i was with high school kids so there comments were usually smart and not funny

Cami said...

That is so funny, kids do say funny things! just wait until you are 9 months prego! you'll get people in the grocery store saying, Gosh you look like you are going to POP! sometimes I'd tell them I was having twins or I wouldn't bother! people are just funny. How are you feeling anyways? So excited for you to join the twin club! ha

The Seely's said...

Oh man! You gotta love the not heads:) Keep it up! We miss ya down here. p.s. I am pretty sure Adrie said Momma the other day.